La historia de Toyah

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Mensajes: 193
Registrado: 20 Oct 2011 18:31

La historia de Toyah

Mensaje por Toyah »


Hace un tiempo me vine para inglaterra y para practicar escritura, empece con una historia la cual ha crecido hasta el punto de que me gustaria plantearme el publicarla, pero carezco de estudios de autor y a diferencia de Christopher Paolini, no tengo a nadie cercano metido en el mundo de los autores, me gustaria publicar aqui lo que tengo escrito, para que lo leais, opinais, critiqueis y me enseñeis, como lectores o autores,

La historia esta en ingles, ahora la idea esta en publicarlo ya sea en ingles o en español.

La historia trata de un asesino renegado y e suna mezcla entre ESDLA + El camino de las sombras:

For the las six hours Toyah haven’t could slept. That morning screams and tears from prissoners didn’t get up him like they used to do, that night was completly quiet there wasn’t any noise, any crow only a sad silence like the cementery´s silence although, Toyah still had three more hours for sleep, he didn’t want to try to sleep again, he had been having problems for sleep, since he was twelve years old night after night, with the same nightmare.

Toyah had a very hard ocupation and he worked more than ten hours every day, but he was the only one in his family with problems for sleep. Not even his father; who had the most inhuman task in the Kingdom and was one of the thre most important men in the Kingdom, had problems for sleep.

Toyah started to work with his father, in the dungeons eigh years ago, he and his young sister, when they didn’ relieve a job from the king, they cleaned the swords after the executions, they fed the prisoners,sharpened the weapons and after all these work. They had to shopping cook, bring food for the workers, and to train. Workers were who made the weapons and armors for the army an army that every day become bigger.

The worst part of the ocupation, was every time Toyah saw a new prisoner, every time Toyah saw his face when he arrived, Toyah could see fraight they felt, in their faces, every one of them knew their lock, since the King Allen’s coronation as new king of the Kingdom, there was only a punishment for people: dead, no only criminals, poor people too, people who couldn’t pay taxes, people didn’t respect what ever rule or order… the law was for every body, now body was free;as conesequence of king’s cruelty every day alot of peopple died, some times tortured because they weren’t strong enough to sourvive to the torture, some other times, eaten by brutlars, and this experience, got worst when Toyah saw the consequence of his father`s ocupation.

Toyah turned the candel on from his nightstand and the first thing Toyah could se was the marks the same prisoner from his dream made him, in the first nigh, Toyah worked as jailer in the dungeons.

The famous sentence: The time heals the woulds didn’t work, no almost in the Kingdom of the Fallen People,where every day a new person lossed his inocence becoming a fanatic king’s faller or there was some one who loosed the life as punishment for what ever he had done, since the children were born, until their death, they learned loyalty to the king and they were sentenced to become soldiers and give their life for the king´s wishes and if they didn’t, they lossed their lifes as consecuente of it, all buildings in the city were or hauses or training places. Where people like Toyah learned the ocupation of war or murdered.

At the same time Toyah saw his marks, he remembered that nigh, like if it had been two nights before:

The prisoner was with two brutlars and she was a vagrat girl (no more than four years older than him), her sking was white color with a couple of bruises in the face; signal of some one had knocked her before and she was very undernourished, until the point he lockeed a skeletton and obiusly she was ill.

Two brutlars had discovered her, looking for food in the rubish, so Toyah´s work consisted in to bring her until her cell. Toyah took her by the arm and put her alone in a big cell, with a big dark door, at diference to the dangerous prissoners from the small cells.

The diference betwen both kind of prisoners, was ordinary prisoners used to be together in big cells and they used to be executed later than desserters or other prissoners from individual cells, they used to be executated just after questionaries.

Althoug, Toyah didn’t know her future, Toyah grabbed her arm and made she to walk by a small, dark corridor with brown walls.The girl started to cry and apolgy herself but, Toyah ignored her apologies and promises of dosn’t steal again.

Toyah was following his father´s instructions: You are working, make your work, don’t thing in any thing else, don’t listen they, don’t loock their eyes and the most important: don’t feel any thing, you remember they are criminals, nothing more, they are only rubish, the same rubish from the rest of the Kingdomsand we have orders, if you have problems call the brutlars, and run away. They´ll do their job.

But Toyah hadn’t followed one of the instructions and he locked her eyes. He felt the need of look all eye’s victyms and by first time in his life, Toyah felt sad and compasion for a victym, she was the first justice´s victym Toyah mate. When he was young his father used to explain a lot of terrible stories about the prisoners and that girl was the first prisoner Toyah could to judge himself and she didn’t look like his father had explained him. That girl lockeed just the opossite to the prissoner´s from his father´s stories.

His father taugh him loyalty to the king when Toyah was very young, his father had taugh him the importance of his job and Toyah learned from his father, to hate the unloyal people, so every thing Toyah had to do was to put prissoners in the cells but, why Toyah couldn’t follow his father´s instructions and neded to Judie them?, If she had to be punished, Why he needed to lock the victyms´s eyes?.By first time Toyah could to check, if every one of the victyms was as guilty as his father had explained him.

When Toyah arrived with the girl to her cell, the girl felt in desesperation and became crazy, she started to fight like an animal. Grabbing Toyah’s arm and junping up him, so, Toyah had to fight very hard before he could make her go dawn. After, Toyah threw sheinto her cell with the same violence his father threw rubish to the rubish cup.
Although the girl was weak,Toyah had had to fight a lot,she had woke up and in a very ferocity way, she had grabbed Toyah´s arm and started to scrab him and to bie him until to make him scars in his righ arm. Later Toyah took his hair and straught it, until she leaved Toyah.

Although he coud call the brutlars and let them to eat her alive, Toyah was very angry and wanted to punish her himself. The first thing Toyah did was to put her knelled, after Toyah took a stick and knocked her, onceToyah had finished, he went out the cell and locked the Black metail door, after Toyah lockeed the cell’s door with the girl inside, she was crying andbetwen tears the girl beged him:

-¡¡¡Please!!! don’t let me die. I neded something to eat, ¡¡¡Please!!!.

But it didn’t work, this last request made Toyah got angrier. Toyah took a short and small chain andcurled it in his righ hand. Went into the cell again and like if a grup of rubish had tryed to grab him, Toyah opened the dor and started to knok her as much as he could, first in the face, until her face turned red, after Toyah punched her head and ribs, until broke her two of them, once Toyah was sure of that, he started to knock her in diferent body’s parts, like if she had trayed to knock him, since to be sure she couldn’t move, even so it wasn’t enough for him, although she couldn’t move, Toyah started to kik her too until the girl was near to her dead. When Toyah finished, the girl looked a red human body, Toyah went out of the cell and at the same time, he looked the door, he asked himself: Who is that rubish to attack me?.Into the cell the girl had loosed her conciency.

With a sigh,Toyah cleaned his tears and covered his injuries, Every morning Toyah lockeed himself in the mirror of hi s sleeeping room, loated in his left and every morning he saw himself in the mirror, he saw as his look of good boy dessapeared, that mirror always show him as he was in the reality and he went back to the reallity every time saw himself.

Toyah wasn’the young good worked he had been long time ago, Toyah had loosed his innocence before his younth finished and a new red color had reaplaced his white face, his green eyes had changed too, Toyah had a very evil fixed look now, his eyebrowns were black, his nouse short and his smile had been changed by a suffering expresión in his face, the same expresión showed all his unhappines. His brown hair color was dark at consecuence of, the high temperature in his father´s workshop, the only thing Toyah keept from his youth was the scar his master made him during his training, after Toyah went back from the killer’s academy in one of the four Group of select people`s islands under King Allen’s control.

Still in the bed. Toyah cheked the room, his room was although he had had a week for organise the room, his room was still a kaos, every thing was disorganized and the flor was full up of papers, even so of his room was like years ago, Toyah knew this day couldn’t be like ussefull days, in three hours his father was going to sent him to work and Toyah never will come back again, Toyah had every thing he neded, his collegues, taugh him every way direction to Kessen and Toyah draw maps thre months ago, Toyah knews every one of the routes until Kessen, he had maps with the ways betwen hi hause (the sixth raven’s eye) and the frontier, he had food and money from kessen. What more things Toyah neded?.

Toyah locked arround himself, his room was righ-angled, with two rounded angled in the right side and his bed join the wall in the left side of the room although, his sleepingroom was his hause, at the same time it was like a dungeon’s cell. That was the reasson of he had choiced to run away even so, Toyah felt like if his small room hadn’t stopped to be his world, he couldn’t count the quantity of times he had crayed in his bed, because his father had killed a prissoner or because, he and his sister had done a job for the king out from the kingdom, his world was the only place where Toyah could feel safe of the world, where he had been leaving and he had to leave it now, in his roon he could turn off, to escape of the reality, but he woke up in the same world again and again.

For him, the enemy wasn’t the central goverment of the continent or the rest of kingdoms, like the rest of the Kingdom though, his enemy was his own king, his father and his sister sometimes. Toyah didn’t want to be like anyone of them and, there was only one way: Toyah had to leave his Kingdom for ever. But he had to do it as soon as psible, if some one descovered his plans, he could be the next victym of the brutlars and he didn’t want to test the loyalty his father felt to the king.

The only thing Toyah needed was a small mirror, lockly Toyah stole it two days ago, when he had to give the new orders to the captain of the guard in the prisson,Toyah had it in his drawers although, he didn’ like the Toyah he saw every time he had beensawing himself in the mirror, he hoped change his lock and that mirror will give him the prof of do it was possible, every thing was redy for the most important time of his life.

What was the thing stoped him?, this day was the endof a lot of years of sufferment, sadistic, unhuman work and wishes, thre metters were the distance betwen a killer and anew life, the same life some inhabitants of the Kingdom still dreamedand the life once there was in the Plain of Fallen people kingdom although, the Kingdom had a very dark story the same dark Kingdom had been a great place for live, long time ago and long before Allen got the control and all Kingdom felt in an agressive political of war and cruelty.

The night before his father had sent his servants out,so Toyah had the perfect oportunity to scape, like the angels of the night, Toyah was trained for climbed worlds and could use magic for desapear, but like they Toyah could feel the danger too, there was something wrong, Why take the servants out, the same day Toyah wanted to scape?, Maybe because was the night before tothe Aliel guard’s party?.

Toyah listened as the door openned some meters in diaggonaland he turned himself indirection to the door located in the righ side of the room and started to walk indirection to the wall, Toyah saw someone with a black layer and head, he locked to be a servant, Toyah was very sourprise to se him, Why a servant wanted to enter in his room at 4 a.m? especiallywhen everyone of them had the order of no enter in his room, unless Toyah had called they before, Toyah hated someone interrop him, when he was doing something or he was in the bed, his servants knew it as the same way, all of them knew the punishment for do it was the dead, maybe the most worried question was Who sent him?, His father? and Why?.

If his plans had been discovered before this day, Toyah coud be in troubles, The army in the frontier had got the order, to kill every deserter they see and Toyah had the intention to scape, although that means to brcome in a desserter. Didn’t mind the way, the consequence or whatever he had to do in his way to the fredoom, he had to be free and the only way to do it was runing away from the Kingdom and he had to sacpe as soon as possible, but first, he had to do something with the servant and maybe the serbant could give Toyah the answer of his questions before kill him.

The man bringed a big bag and was dressed with a dark tunic and the servants couldn’t look to the eyes from the rest of peopple, so wasn’t impossible to see his face and
Última edición por Toyah el 25 Oct 2011 20:42, editado 2 veces en total.
Lector voraz
Mensajes: 193
Registrado: 20 Oct 2011 18:31

Re: Estoy planteandome publicar una novela y necesito opinio

Mensaje por Toyah »

recognise him,loockly the man couldn’t to see him, so very confident the servant wolked righ to the table, where Toyad used to study, when Toyah was a child, or when his master taugh him new and advanced poissons, nobody had taugh him before,once in the wall Toyah lockeed the mirror of his bed and watched the servant, after walked in direction of the man and unsheathed a daga from his belt. Toyah didn’t feel confindence of now body, since his father ordered him, to cut the hand from a prisoner, as punishment because the prisoner had trayed to take the food outfromhis hands.

The servant throw the back up the table and Toyah took the oportunity ofsee outside, when the servant was having a rest. Toyah wanted to be sure nobody else could see him, Toyah could see a brutlar in the corridor,seat down in the shadow, The brutlar was keeping an eye on the servant and reddy for take part of the fight if there was some one, to killthe servant was very easy, a stab in the hearth and nothing more, as easy as Toyah liked, but the servant wasn’t a problem, to be honest Toyah could go out and loock the door with the servant inside and afterstar to run.

So Toyah didn’t ned to kill him but, if he went out, the brutlar could attack him and Toyah wished to seehis father’s face, when he knows the way as his son had told him bye, after to see the things his father had done, to leave him the deth body from one of his servants with a explanation, was a very funny idea.Toyah studied other options, hecould kill the man call the brutlar and fight him, but the king knew every happened in his land, so was very dificult to hide two deeth bodies.

Toyah didn’t have option, Toyah had to leavethe sleeping room without the brutlar saw him, in two hours the big gates of the wall would be clossed until the next night and Toyah didn’t want to wait more.The ervant put one of his hands up and Toyah closed the door with out make any noise, they both were in the room with the door Lockheed now, in the personal rooms of important people enter with out autoritation, was punish with the death, sothe murdered was justificated,Toyah got the perfect excus for kill the intruder.

Toyah wolked slowly with out make any noise and before the man could move the body, Toyah put his daga in the right intruder neck’s artery, making his prisoner, Toyah had the perfect excuse to leave the tower,Toyah could calm dawn his wishes of kill himand changed his wish for use him as excuse to leave the building.

Very sourprised the servant asked autoritation for take his hood out with the up hand.

The servant had a curly blond hair color, the person who lockeed a servant really was his young and short sister!, Toyah couldn’t belebe it, he had been thinking to kill his own sister!!.

This time she had deceived her own brother, she had done a perfect imitation of the common loaded down servant, Toyah had to recognise that had beenthe best imitation hehad seen ever before and of course, his sister knew Toyah wasn’t sleeping, the brutlar was only in case shenedded help.

Toyah anoyed by his sister´s trick, sheathed the daga and turn away the glance, the Fitz thing Toyah could see was a tigger’s face. His sister´s brutlar had openned the door and started to laugh after to see the fanny scenary, when he saw Toyah was annoyed,The big black color animal with bear’s body, leaved them alone. Every time he wolked a step, a blck smoke made a signal in the wook, but, the brutlar wasn’t the only one who though it had been a very funny joke, his sister had tosit down in the ground, because she couldn’t stay up and laugh at the same time, very annoyed, Toyah closed the door and with a very angry tone of voice, Toyah asked her:

- Are you crazy sister?, Do you really want to die?, Do you really think to kill is a joke?, What would have happened if I hadn’t waited?,

Exactly,What would have happened??, Toyah was right she couldn’t listened her brother, when he was broughing to her, her brother clossed the door and she didn’t listen any thing, she ordered the brutlar stay in a location in the corridor, where his brother could see him, but If Toyah hadn’t seen the brutlar???, she could be died.

-Father have told me to bring you this. He will be waiting us in the country until to night…,
-Oh, Really?!; with a charged ton,Toyah continued his questionary; and, can I know what of the hell does he want now? or will you answer me with another of your stupid jokes??
-I don’t knows seriously!, but he lockeed angry, although shehad chekeed the bag’s content she wanted to know more, so the sister though could be a great oportunity to ask about the bag; Can I see what is this?, because it is very heavy.

Toyah turn his grabe to his sister and locked her with an anoyed expresión in his face,Toyah didn’t like his sister was so gossip and his sister understended the answer very fast. Very happy with his brother answer, she continued her strategy and answered back to her brother:

-OK, I’ll be waiting you out…, remember i hate to wait, so don’t make my wait longer. With a smile in her face, her wanted to laugh about her brother again and made him a last joke: unles this time you really want to kill me,brother (laugh).

His brother´s reaction was fast, he hated Jokes about their ocupation and to take a live out wasn´t sobject to laugh about:


The short girl saw to make more jokes was out of time, she couldn’t understand the bad temperment from his brother, she only had made a joke, Why his own brother was so hard with her?, some times she asked herself, if Toyah was really her own brother. They were so different: her brother hated as the king made the things, his brother hated their father’socupation, he hated every thing she loved, specially to kill, What was wrong with him?, sudently she stopped and remembered the reaction from his brother, (the bad temperment wasn’t by the joke, it cames from the words to kill).

Both of them were the best killers of the Kingdom, both of them were so cold, without fellings and very devoted in their ocupation, for Toyah the murdered was an art, every job had to be perfect and never left tracks, for his sister her ocuption was only an oportunity to prof. She was the best with weappons, when they were young, they fought by the title of the best killers of the world,now his brother wasn´t interested in anything she was, he was diferent: he respected life now and had conscience, no like her, in his sister opinión: The live was empty didn’t have any valuable, to take a life out was like to take what ever, if some one was muredered it was because he really had to be murdered. There wasn’t any wrong thing with that, that was her opinión and the weak people who though the oposite was wrong and had to be killed.

When he asked her about the consequence of her joke and he got angry,he was speaking seriously.

She locked his brother´s eyes and saw the same disdain, that his answered had showed, drove by her belief, her put his han don her sword,(she was feeling the wish to kill him) and with a very fast movement took her sword out from the belt and with all her bad temperment, she scremmed back:


This reaction had the same effect in Toyah,who took again his daga and prepared himself for block his sister attack.

Lockly, this attack never was made, she wasn’t to kill her own older brother, so after calm down her bad temperment, she kept her sword again and started to wolk faster than usual, indirection to the dor, but her stopped in the dor of the room and took revenge of her brother, saying with arrogance:

-And remember to organise your sleeping room as soon as you can, looks like if a chempance were living here, ou no only have clothe is in the floor, you have notes and bottles too…, now I understand way in the guild, every one call you, Toyah the chempance.

When she was in the corridor, she closed the door in a violent way and she listened the noise of something nailing in the dor, as answer to her joke, his brother had through his daga to the dor.

She couldn’t understand How was possible his own brother could have these fellings, How can he to be so weak and How could he forgot her enter in his room with out autoritathion?. Why did his brother hate his ocupation?, He had respected his sister’s life, Why?, How could be it possible?.

Toyah could listen his sister outside, she was calling her brutlar and the brutlar recive intructions of to stay infront of the door. Toyahwanted to be sure his sister was far away from his room, before to open the bag, his sister had left on the table. So Toyah stayed in the opoosite sideof the door and put his ear in the door. A coupple of minuts later Toyah started to listen the animal walking, he was making circles and that was the sixteen circle he had done.

As son as her sister was far away, Toyah went to the bag and started to touch it, there weren’t a lot of things, but all of them had to be metail objects and the bag was green, finaly Toyah oppened it, in the bag there were: a chain two arathros and four falcros, Toyah was very sorprised.

The first thing Toyah did, was take his faborite weapons: the hathros, the hathros were like two dagas of 20 cm with small individual edges welded in the two sides of the blade and the two edges were jagged, it was a great weapon to kill some one and cut him, with these weapon he could to cut up one wild boar and were made with the best metail from the land, the weappons had been made months ago, Toyah could now it becuase they were extrematly light and this kind of metail get heighter with the past of time, the two weapons had the simbol of his family, that meaned than his father hade made these weappons.

Finally, Toyah wanted to know when his father started to sospect of his plans and tested the weight, by the weight, Toyah could know more or less the quantity of months his father has been waiting for to give him the present, Toyah stayed think for a coupple of minuts, it was two or three months ago, just when he started to travel to the frontier and to speak with his collegue but, Why his father didn’t do any thing?.

After Toyah cheked the falcros, They were like two boomerangs with metail prickles in the end of every side, the aperfect weappon for pin down some one if, he is in the ground.

The best was the chain it had metail picks in the body and one buckle for press the picks since drain off the blod of some one, obiously it was a torture tool more than a weappon.

Why his father made these weappons?, every second, every happened became more obviously, the happen ofsome one else knew his plans but, who more except, his father and collegues?, Had his collegues delated him?. Toyah lockeed out by a second, his dreams of freedom desappeared for seconds and remembered the favourit sentence of his master: for an Angel of the night there isn’t way to come back, after to star, you must live with it forever or die.

Finaly, he dressed with his old dark purpple tunic with hood and put his red mask that, cover his nouse and mouth, the time run out, now the story wasn’t to be like his sister or can’t live a life he hated, he wasa deserted now, that was the end of the story, he ran away and live free or he died in the way, so easy.

When he turned his glance dawn to the groun, Toyah saw a small quantity of torchs very close from the building´s door and could count 5, they weren’t a group of brutlars with prisoners, they had to be soldiers and by the speed of the march, they probably were mussles, it was to late for scape of the building, the frontier had to be tighly under control and his gates closed. He had to take another way, finally Toyah went out of his room, whith his bags, and ordered her sister´s brutlar to kep the dor of his room.

He couldn’t leave the building with out fight andthe mussleums, were oponnents veryhard to kill, he couldn’t fight the mussleums and the brutlar at the same time. He had to remove the animal of the battle as far as it was possible.

When Toyah fimally arrived to the stairs, he could to see his sister, she was walking in direction of the dor,he trayed to scream her, but she didn’t look listen his brother´s screams.

In the small group, there was a human officer“a sargent” and the rest of the Group were definitly mussleums andthe asked to Toyah’s sister,for the way to his brother`s sleeping room.

With a very proud entonation in his voice, the human officer explained: Tehe new Toyah’s situation and the reasson because they had to arrest him and descrived Toyah like a treassor.

They had orders to bring him in front of the royal guard,Toyah, who had been listening the conversation, become really angry and decided to go back to the corridor and fight for his dreams, Toyah would live free forever or he woud die in the way, but the king never will use him again, almost no for kiil inocente people. His days as killer finished time ago, with this obsesion in his head, Toyah arrived to the corridor.

The brutlar had gone out, exactly as Toyah though, signal of the intention to gave him the order of staying infornt of the doorworked, this wasn’t the first time the animal ignored his orders, as the animal worked under his father and sister’s comand….., he never would follow his orders but, this time the animal made him a favour, with the animal out of the corridor, Toyah could fight eassier the soldiers.

The corridor was the perfectlocation for a battle, every corridor in the tower, was designed for different kind of battles, this corridor was a rectangular roomwith a lot of human’s statues and dark corners, where Toyah could stay hiddeninto the shadows and prepare ambrushes,if he had problems before the battle finished,he would be able to run until his sleeping room´s door and fight again. The enterwas after a second corridor narrower than the rest of the corridor and the door was too narrow for mussles’s body, so they had to cross it one by one, if the mussles were colocated in a line formation, Toyah could kill theyeassier, that if he fough the mussleums in the corridor, Toyah could to attack them appearingand dessapearing from the dark corners and shadows in the corridor or fight in the door.

Toyah had another ventatge: it was he knew very good the place where the battle would be locatedand his enemies, had to check the shadows one by one andwith the new weappons as his chain, to prepare an ambrush, shoud be very eassy, heded in the dark corners or vehind the statues, it was the perfect oportunity, to use his new weappons by first time.

Finally he run to the slipping room and leaved the door opened, after it hetook his bag and started to walk to one corner near to the door.

Finally,the small Group of soldiers,arrived up stairs and when they were in the corridor, they started to look for the door of Toyah’s sleepeing room.The door was opened so, without thing the situation twice, the sargent of the group sent two of his soldiers into the Toyah’s sleeping room but, when they crossed the door. The room was empty, this happened made the sargent got anoyed a lot, he had arrived to late. The sargent started to check the corridor and saw someone with a servant’s layer. He was cleaneing the ground vehind the sargent, very sorprised of se him, the sargent went until the servant andleaved the rest of his soldiers in their locations:

-Have you seen a boy:19 years old,with green eyes and brown/black hair? but, the servant Lockeed no pear atention to him and this happened made the sargent get angrier: he unsheathed his sword and put the tip in the throat of the servant, angry and anoyed the sargent asked:

- Are you deaf ?!, I want to know where is your boss and I want to know it now!!!.

The servant, stopped work and locked to the sagent, with a boired old man’s voice and speaking very slowly, the servant answered with a lot of problems to speak:

-Oh, I’m sorry sargent, I am very old (cough): If you are looking for the young Toyah, you will be able find him in the stairs, in the end of the corridor, but sir, he is bussy now and he hates some one distorve him….

Although the sargent felt very pleasent with the answer, it wasn’t enough for him, the last words of the servant, made the sargent laugh and he was enjoying with the problems, the servant had every time he wanted to speak, so the sargent didn’t want to lose the oportunity to scar that men a lettle more, smiling the sargent answered to the servant:

-And I am arresting him now old men and I will kill him, If he dosen’t want to come with us, look slave, my patient is starting to end so, or you close your big mouth or I’ll kill you!! and poor of you if you lay me…Do you understond me?.

Happy again. The office turn his sword dawn and slapped to the servant´s face, the sargent felt confidence with the idea of as eassy should be to take Toyah prissoner, if Toyah didn’t have weappons and wasn’t ready, very happy with the idea. The sargent sent all his soldiers to the stairs,afterthe sevant continued with his work, he had a lot of time for clean the corridor before Toyah went backand the mussleums, couldn’t run veryfast,as consequence of their body, they needed a letle more time than a human , to arrive until his destination.Although the mussleums were the slowliest soldiers of the army, they were more difficult to kill with a common weappon like a sword, than the rest of the different races at consecuente of that, the servant had to put up the sargent.

The time ran and the sargent no allane started to lose his patient, the soldiers did should come back time ago, so he decided ask again the servant, for be sure the servant had sayed the truth.

The Sargent turned back and lockeed in the corridor for the servant, this time he was in the door, few minuts later the servant leaved the corridor with the bag and the argent decided to follow him.

When the sargent arrived to the stairs saw another small corridor, this time, the corridor wentin direction to a room with the look of a noble’s room and one handrail, but he didn’t see the servant, the sargent though the servant had gone to advise the lord of the hause, about what was happening, he started to thing of as eassy was his job, he went indirection of the door, with the intention of oppen the door to the hause´s lord so he wolked in direction of the noble’s room, but he saw something tied, Did Toyah used it for escape?, the sargent hadn’t time for think the answer, he started to check it, but one hand took the grip of his sword and took the sword out the bag, with a threatening ton in his voice the person baned him to turn back, as the sargent knew onlyanAngel of the night could be so sneaky. He finally had beenambrushed.

The sargent tryed to loock his left with his sword in the neck, but when he started to turn the neck to the left, the Angel of the night threatten him with kill hem, if he made any movement, the angel of the night started to check, if the sargent had more weappons, the first place where looked for was in the boots, some soldiers used to have a daga, after started to cheek the belt looking for a second sword, but the sargent hadn’t more weapons, finaly he kik the sargent in his legs, and the sargent drooped kneeling, at the same time with a male´s voice some one started to speeck behind the sargent:

-Hello sargent. this sentence sorprised to the sargent, he knew the voice well enough.

-Toyah!, dam you!!

-Yees!Sargent, exactly… I am the only one Toyah now, finally you have found my, congratulations!. Do you se eas I wasn’t so far away from your side??.

In a scary entonation, the same voice started an interview:

-But please sargent, tell me: How do you feel with the blade of your own sword in your neck!?, Is nice the filling you fel, when some one can kill you sargent?, How do you fell now!, when you have lose the control of the situation?, How do you feel beeing the ambrushed person? and How do you feel after the change of being the jailer to be the prissoner!!?. Have you ever lockeed to a prisoner’s eyes and seen his frightened face, sargent?, because is the same face you have now, anyway it is your ocupation isn’t is?. To make me prisosner, this job has drove you until here, havenn’t it?.

-Unlockly for you sargent, I have listened the way you have described me and I must say, the way as you have descrived me has been really anoying.

The sargent felt as the angel of the night,incresed the quantity of stengh and felt the edge of the sowrd sticked in his neck, at the same way, he felt as the speaker was very angry

-I though you were in the stairs, ¡but you weren’t! Were you??, Where have you been all this time???.

-Oh yes!, I was in the stairs sargent I was, but, just when you have entered in the building I was in the stairs, the servant with you spoke in the corridor, was only my lettle sister, you loock don’t understand, don’t worry, you will understand it soon: When you knocked the door, I was located just in the same place, you are kneeking now and I have seen my sister to open you the door, so, after listened your conversation.I have came back to my sleeping room and I havedecided to prepar this reception for you, If just when you arrived to the corridor, you just had lockeed for arround in the corridor, you would have seen me and no my sister, sister as you should know, she is an Angel of the Night to, but you were too bussy for check arround, so when you sent your mussleums to my sleeping room. I have changed me as servant by my young sister. and I have asked my sister, if she could to control you and your soldiers,

-The same sister: You have threatten with kill her and you have slapped her in the corridor,THE SAME SISTER IS SPEAKING TO YOU NOW!!! and no his brother, as you may be thinking and the same sister, have taken your sword to, the sargent felt, the way asToyah’s sister was puting a chain arround his neck, at the same time the angel of the naigh was spiking.

At the same time his sister was working, Toyah started to speak:

-So you should know now, the way as we have been playing with you.The way as we have lockeed servants, has been turning ower tunics back and when your soldiers, was going to the stairs. I have prepared the chain, you was cheking when my sister stole you your sword.

-And the same kind of chain ower father use in his tortures. Brother

-For prepare this last meeting betwen us, my sister have indicated you other stairs, “located in the end of the left side of the corridor”, after it, she have changed her role of servant with me one last time, it has been when your soldiers was runing indirection tothe wrong stairs and you have seen me, just in the door, as you know. I could kill you just when we were alone in the corridor or ambrush you and your soldiers, when you arrived to the corridor but,I didn’t want to do it because, one ambrush in the corridor was to obious, Don’t you think so?,

- Although your soldieres enter in my sleeping room has anoyed me, to play with you, has been funnier.

After the explanation and with a submit voice, the sargent finish the conversation:

- So basicatly you and your sister were the same servant and you have used, the time my mussleums neded for go to every place for change your place with your sister and of course, she told me you were in the stairs of the oposite side of your sleeping room. For let me alone with both of you and killme now, when you have been in the same stairs all this time.


After the explanation, Toyah’s sister, had finished to put the chain arround the sargent´s neck, and woke up the sargent,very boired by the explanation made a smile and told to the sargent:

-Bye sargent.

With the same sword went through the body of the sargent at his stomach heigh. AfterThe sargent could felt as some one threw him to the first floor with the chain in his neck, in his last seconds alive, the sargent could see anotherAngel of the nightfirst floor, he had a dark pink layer and he was smiling him, finallythe sargent recognized his face, this second angel of the nigh was Toyah.

After his deth, Toyah’s sister let the body of the sargent threw dawn, cleaned the chain and went to the meeting point with his brother in the middle of the stairs, she feelt very happy, with the idea of help his brother to scape.

Toyah’s idea consisted in, changed the murdered of the sargent, by a suicide and as every body knew the way as the king punished the failers, nobody though in the posibility of the sargent could die murdered, by this reasson they were the two best killers of the Kingdom, nobody had doubted before although they had traed other tricks, this was the trick wich best ressults.

Finally Toyah found the brutlars in the daining room, jus in the nearest corner of the other stairs, as Toyah wanted finish his days as Angel of the nigh he Locked the door with the mussleums into the daining room and left them die with out food to eat.

When every thing was in order, both of them started to walk to country.


The meeting was in a country only fefteen kilometers far of the big wall, in the same country where Toyah and his sister were trained by the manager of the order, they arrived in the afternoon.

The meeting started with the traditional demostration of respect to their father, that meeting would be the last time,the family would bemeated in a same place and theyr father, wanted to say the last good bye to Toyah forever, he like his daughter, finally had decided his son was more important than the loyalty to their king.

During the dinner, Toyah explained the reassons because he couldn’t continuos stayingwith his family, Toyah explained as he had creyed in his bed, How guilty did he felt after every job, the way as his conscience was torturing him and spoke abouth his neightmares but, his family didn´t want to understand him.

Toyah`s sister, asked him How it could be possible, she wanted to know How her own brother and collegue, developed these fillings and Toyah, explained his experience with the girl in his first nigh as jailer and explained the way as the brutlars ate she only three days later, Toyah spoke them about his feellings to the cruelty and injustice the king punished people.

she remembered him he was an Angel of the night, and like an Angel of the Night he didn’t have to have fellings to no body,was wrong have feany thing to anybody, but these same lessons made Toyah started to feel sad and the way as, finally that feelings finished to beat him, Toyah explained the importante of their work, wasn’t justification enough, no for kill te peopple they used to kill.

But for Toyah’s sister,the felling make you to be weak, an eassy objective. By this reasson, an Angel of the Night couldn’t feel any thing to nobody. How could her brother to have consciente?. She asked herself. When they were trained in the Academy, they learned how much important their work was for the King, in the academy they learned loyalty to the king and they masters didn’t tech they the respect to the life.

Toyahs´ father had trayed everything for years, he hopped Toyah was enough strong for do all necesary to make his king happy with him, but finally, Toyah chossed a different way. He knew his soon well enough and he didn’t trayed to convince he, he knew, Toyah couldn’t be happy with the idea and plans he had for him. He always have Knwon it, since Toyah started to work in the prisson.

Toyah sister didn’t fel the same to her brother, in her personality, there wasn’t place for the compasión to the victyms or to feel sorry about they, for her the life was empty, the life of her victyms didn’t have any emotional valuable, she couldn’t respect other lifes and she hated, the weak people at the same time, she always had seen the rest of people as lower than she, for she the victyms and the weak people weren’t more than problems and they couldn’t have righ to life, for her her work always was justificated, no like his brother, she didn’t kill with out any reasson, but there wasn’t any one for cry or reasson for have concience´s problems. They killed the enemies of theking, What was wrong in that?. That was the most important diference betwen she as wetboy and Toyah as killer. She loved her brother like brother but at the same time she hated and felt desprecious to Weak people like her brother was and couldn’t feel any thing to him no like Toyah.

The night arrived and with it the party´s begining, so Toyah´s family went back to the city and left him alone.

That Winter’s party was in honor of the guard Aliel. The most powerful witch in the Kingdom and head director of the wizzard’s order. So that night the king would tray to convince new people to enter in his army as wizzards and Alielmade exhibitions of her magical powers in a ceremony where Aliel would use the book: Pactum, the sacred dark book and acompilation of the different powers, wizzards could use another important exhibition was the presentation of Rashnahat Femmels.

Every member of the royal guard had his own day and there was a party where the people of the Kingdom venerated they, every party was dedicated to a different especific sobject, with Lufisto in the Spring, the sobject was the war.In his party, there was a selection of the best soldiers where they played tournaments, with Trasdel in the end of the Summer, the engyners, showed the newest tecnologies, a tecnology far away fromthe tecnology developed in the Kingdom of the six races, but perfectly competitive. In Menal´s party for the Autum, the honor was for two of the three races, which didn’t ned to recive influency, the mussleums and Brawls and the last party, was in Nitaya´s day in the beggin of Winter, in this day brutlars made exhibitions of his power and respect.

The king oversaw the improvments in the army, in the tecnology and at the same time in the magic skills of his wizzards. Obiusly the party was only a small part of king´s intentions. Since Allen was the king, the year was divided in five months. With fifty days every month.

The party used to start at night, so Toyah locked again in direction to the city, the landscape couldn’t be bleaker, the plain Toyah was seing, consisted only in two big pools with the kingdom’s water reservoirs in a black and strong brown ground color, with a lot of small died trees, in the distance there were the big factories of machines, tecnology,weappons and soldiers, where Allen was making his armies of brawls and

mussleums join rashnajhats, in the middle was the biggest city his own city, the only location with look of an alive areaand the only human city in the Kingdom: Ejsan ur, by this reasson Allen had his palace in the mídele of the city, since the royal palace, he could control every district and street, the resto f the landscape was rock. Toyah traed to imagine the loock of the same plain centurias agor, with vegetation, cityes and life, by this vision finished when Toyah lockeed the royal palace again.

His look was absolutly different to the rest of loocks it had had, the palace had had two chances, the first, was the color of the walls, in the begginig of the kingdom’s time, the palace had a white color as simbology of peace good intentions peopple who bough the Kingdom a millenium ago. Now his walls had a black color

The reasson of that was his color changed with every new king, in the reinassance’s time, the wall of the palace was a goldden Bellow color in honour of the improvement economyc situation, with Allen the color changed toblack, with this color Allen wanted to show people from his country, they had to fight and beat their enemies alone if they want to have somethink, nobody else was going to help they, if they wanted to become his Kingdom in the best one they had to beat their enemies.

The second change in the palace was the quantity of towers, with Allen the quantity incressed since 1 until 6, Allen ocupated the central and biggest tower, after bough 5more shorter towers for his guard and generals of the army.

In the top of the central tower, there was a big brown fire, signal of the king was preparing himself for the party, the party´s starting prometed to be a great show, the royal guard was going to concentrate his power in a big orange color column of Light, for ask utoritation to stat the party,if the king answered with another one, the party could start, but if Allen didn’t, they had to wait, Toyah had to start to move and to decide the best way, he hadn’t have intention towait since the party´s start, so Toyah took his bags out and eqquiped his hathros in his belt, after five stops, Toyah lockeed at sky, the two moons was almost in his position and sun started to go out, Toyah calculated more or les, the time since the black moon color, stayed at the same level of the yellow moon color, that was exactly Allen was waiting.

Hed dawn Toyah started to walk again, he though about every thing he was leafing, no only he finished a killer´s life, he had to put off to his relation betwen him and his family and the Harvest think to forget they, especially with his sister, the same sister he loved and had helped him, the same sister once was his best friend and collegue. ReallyWas a good idea lo leave his family only because they were so diferent?, good or bad idea the relation was off, the only thing about Toyah was sure, was his sister wouldn’t have accepted to go with him, if he had asked that to her and She didn´ forget him for it, she had decided to have the opposite relation ship with him and Toyah never had wanted it before, but they wolked different ways.

Maybe the next time they’ll be together they would be enemies, that day she had helped him to scape, but in the future she will kill him. Toyah had to forget his family and fine a new place to live in the World, with a new life,ocupation and a new identity.

But How could Toyah has any one of these thinks?, he only knew about, to fight,to kill,tortures, to coock and poissons and avery lettle of magic, he hadn’t had an ocupation out of the ocupations his family had though for him, other friend Toyah had lossed was his loyal brutlar. Althoug Toyah was sad, he didn’t cry. Only accepted every one of these Facts and continuos walking.

Under Toyah’s foot the ground started to shake, What was happening?, wasn’t time of the party`s starts yet, finally the earth movement, arrived to the big wall and Toyah could see as his torches turned on and stopped to walk, afterforgot the wall and his sister, very sorprised Toyah turned back and cheecked the fire of the central tower, the color of the flames had become ina strong red color, some thing madeAllen got angry, soToyah decided stay, until to be sure of what was going out, Allen didn’t gave authorization for the party starts it inplace of that, there was a big scream from his tower and finally Toyah could understand the reasson, saw a small group of three dark marks in his hause´s location, some one had descobered the body of the sargent, Allen did should send the sargent to make him prissoner, whe he saw the sargent didn’t come back Allen could send guards and then, his guards rescutted the muslleum and they spoke with the autorities, wouldn´t pas long time since Allen alert his armies in the city.

The situation lockeed as the bad lock follow Toyah in every thing he did,some minuts later, a small group of flying brutlars rose at the same time the alarm´s bell rang out, if Allen followed the most common emergency method, the city´s people had to stay in their hauses before Allen deployed all brutlars in the city, if some one was in the strret after that, he would be send to the dungeons and executated, loockly there were one hundred thausend brutlars into the city, after that the brutlars had to be divided in two groups, and the officers neded to recive orders, the first and the smallest one group, had to stay in the city, the second group would go to patroll the most importants roads in direction to the frontier and probably the second group was deployed by the area betwen the city and the frontier, after that a messenger had to arrive until the frontier. So Toyah had anhour for scape before the message arrived to the frontier.

Toyah started to run indirection to SouthWest, his priority was to find the forest of Chenqua, because maybe in the forests he could find a shelter betwen his trees, when Toyah arrived to the end of the road, stopped in one cross betwen two ways and took a map out, unlockly the map located, the forest in the South, five kilometers far awayfrom his location.

The nearest place from his location, was a cave located in the narrow of the city´s South, in direction of the big wall. The narrow was a military area built by Brawls as second defensive line in the case of war, long time ago and surrounded the all city`s south, so, the king had to have an army in this area,the situation was a problem, that narrow was a military area, but was nearest and the brutlars never though in to find him in a military area, the forest was a safe place too but, he neded more time until to arrive to the forest, Toyah locked back again, he wanted to seeif the second group was in the way.

Toyahsaw a big quantity of brutlars was going to the meeting point but, Toyah didn’t only saw brutlars, there was a small army of soldiers in the city’s wall and the army was walking in his direction, Allen had started Valkirya, a small army of Brawls Allen had in the city for use it in an emergency situation, although brawls weren’t as Sorong as the mussleums were, their her ferocity was very knowledge and they were very short but speedfighters too,just the oposite of mussleums, the desadvantatge of this race was her obstinace`s level, was bigger than her ferocity, the idea ofthe king took so much discomforts only for capturing him, made Toyah felt very pleassent. Signal of the king respects me, Toyah said by himself.

But the group of soldiers Allen had sent was really small, the rest of Valkirya was in the city yet, it called Toyahs´ atention, if Allen only sent a small group, it was maybe because the king wasn’t to worry about the situation, maybe because he was absolutly sure, was impossible to cross the frontier, Toyah couldn’t stop the messenger but he could with the group of soldiers, if he wentto the forest, in the forest, he was in position of fight them so, finaly Toyah decidedto run by the left way.

When Toyah arrived to the forest, he started to study the situation, the enter to the forest, consisted in threes perfectly lined up to the left until the righ, a small river and a big quantity of Bamboo.

Toyah went to the widest tree and cat three longbranches,and one very short, with the first one Toyah made four pegs and throw all of them once for be sure they flew righ, after leaved one of them near of the trunk, with the second, made a lance,the thrist branch only was broke in half, with the shortests one Toyah cat it and made peces of wood with point.

Aftfer Toyah cat eight centimeters from one cane and took thecontenent inside out with the help of his weappons, after Toyah cat a slot three point two centimeters before to the right cane´s extrem when he finished, Toyah cut a cilynder of three point two cm of the last branch and introduced i tinto the cane betwen the left extrem and the slot, In the end Toyah cat a small steam in the right extrem of the cane.

Although looked horrible, Toyah had made a small whistler and kept it in his belt, later bough a peashoote, with another part of the same cane. When finishhed with his new weapons, took the chain and prepared a small trap.

When Toyah tested every think, he put them in his double Belt and baggings, except the lance and the two parts of the branch, Toyah put the two parts of the branch into the bag, and started to walk with the lance in his hand,with the lance he could recognise the ground in the Darkness.

Toyah Entered into the forest, the idea vasicatly consisted in if the group was small enough, killed the brawls one by one but for do it, he neded one last ingredent, poison.once into the forest, Toyah started to study the plants and trees, the forest was very old and his trees was in a terrible state, some trees were dead, other trees brokken in half…

He was interested in a particular big purpple flower with a star´s look and five petals, Toyah studied the components of the flower with his master, when he was young, and there was a terrible poison, he could make with them, all knowledge of the poisson was censored and only the most important killers could know it, Toyah called it the killer´s sentence, the true was Toyah never had used it before, but his master hadCouch him every thing about it, incluided the way as to prepare it.

When Toyah was reserching the flower, started to get dark and he had to stop his reserchment,very worry about the Group of brawls location, Toyah wolked a lettle more, with the wish of to find them,Toyah knews brawls wouldn’t try to resarch him in the forest at night, the forest was to big and to dark for try it, probably they would have sorrounded it with the intention of to clos every way to go out, if they had arrived, but he neded to know if they were in the forest, so Toyah went back to the enter of the forestand when he was sixty meters before the forest´s enter he saw a pair of lights, definitly the army was outside.

Toyah didn’t want lose more time, he had had time before the forest felt in the dark night to find the flower, but he neded light for continuos walking until a safe place,
for stay until the next morning, Toyah took his bag out and started to walk chourchered and very slowly near of the trees, lockly for him the trees were very wide, there wasn´t more than five meters betwen tree and tree, and Toyah could to messure, the distance betwen trees when he was looking for his flower, finally Toyah arrived to the first line of trees and left his lance in the ground.

There were a Group of three brawls, one of them was in the middel, the other two, in front of himall of them had a dark green skin color, big dropped ears in direction of the floor and any one of them, had hair or nause, their armors were dark and with small independence shields, the Armor wasn’t like the tipical soldier’s Armor of four pieces, the Armor was the shields located in differents parts of the body. They lockeed like if they were organizated and the brawl of the middle looked to be the boss.

He was waiting orders when Toyah arrived, Toyah could see as the two soldiers take their axes up and walked in direction of the trees, every time the brawls arrived to a place they used to do the same, first find a place for located his camping. After the boss shared out the differents ocupations and then they started to build small buildings with wood or other things, the components of the buildings were different an it depends on if they stayed for short or long time, if they stayed a long time, they used to work with the same wood from treees for example. If they stayed Langer, they bring their own materials, like clay and bought different kinds of buildings, training centres armeries and no only huts like in that situation.

Toyah waited until the workers started to work and the boos leave them alone if he didn’t make noise he couldtake a torch and run, but the boss didn’t want to leave the two workers, that was the tipical boss who liked kept an eye in every thing and he didn’t stop to give orders to the workers and he was very bossy, as Toyah hadn’t alot of patient wtarted to think a way to remove the boss out, for kept that problem, Toyah take his Whistler out of the belt, and with his lancehe wolked for twenty meters to the righ side, when he was a lettle far away, Toyah whistled three times with the pones of the officer listened him.

That should call the atention from thedifferentofficers of the area and drive them since the location of the whistlet, when the officers knew reallity what had happened, Toyah would have stolen the torch and stay far away from the camping, the trick could work if the brwals didn’t knew where Toyah was, the workers wasn’t a problema because the called was only for officers, so they should continuos working.

The idea of the trick consisted in use the object near of the victym, as the soldiers listened the whisp and they didn’t know, who had been the whisterled person, they though some one office had called them and the soldiers, had to answer the call from their boss, in case of sentrieds´s call to the officers was the same.

In a camping, the whisterls were distribuited betwen te officers of every area and the sentrieds although,there wasn’t any difference betwen the sound from the objects, therewas adifference, betwen a call from: officer´s and sentrieds it was: the officer whistled with the object onceand sentries three.

The sentries used to stay only in one of the two camping´s sides and the officers though, Toyah was runing away of them, by this reasson, the officers didn´t located their sentries, indirection to the trees, all of them were located like they used to do it, so there wasn’t any think could see him and Toyah walked in the Darkness, he had protection, in front of him, the landscape was different, two brawls were checcking provissions. One of the brawls started to wolk to his left, he walked a leetle bit chunckback, in his back he had spines and large feets with three fingers and one big claw in the middle of the food, the second one toock out a coupple of rabbits, Toyah took a smole stone and throw him to the hand, painned the brawl left the Rabbit free, very angry the second brawl trayed to take it, in this time of caos Toyah used his Whistler.

Toyah kept his Whistler and with his lance in the hand,walked back by the same way, when Toyah arrived, didn’t see the officer with his employeers, the trick locked work, but had it worked as well as the situation looked?, Toyah didn´t see the oficer when he was walking back and some one,had turned on a fire for coock before Toyaharrived and the two employeers was still working, their boss didn’t would the fire alon for langer, as fast as Toyah could with out make noise, went indirection of the clossest torch, he passedby the left side of the fire and at the same time. Toyah chhecked it there was something in the saucepan, thatwas the officer’s ocupartion, he was preparing it for maybe cock rabbit,if Toyah had have time enough for find his flower and prepare sentence, the brawls would have eaten a really cocked food never beter say and he would have killed thre at the same time, but he hadn’t time. When he was walking, Toyah remembered his lasts works with his sister, he remembered his Jobs in the past with his sister, the quantity of times, they had entered in the rooms and the quantity of times his sister had provocated troubles, he still remembered the way as his sister called the atention of the guards the way as they had had to fight them in the corridors and rooms, with herwas imposible to work as Toyah wanted to work, if she had been with him, she would have called the atention of every brawl in the camping and they werefighting, all of them one by one, only because if her didn’t Lefth a signal of fight she wasn’t happy, in her opinion, the idea of kill with out proved herself, she could fight and beat to every one was impossible,by this reasson, at differenc of Toyah she didn’t learned the most of the poisson Toyah used to use in his ocupation, included killer´s sentence.

When finally Toyah was in the same place than the two torches were, he saw a shadow, it was just in his right, that shadow, was getting up some thing, with out time to thing, Toyah went of with a jump and one big axe went dawn, that was the officer Toyah had seen after use the Whistler!, officer had a very dark face, orange collors and roared at the same time that show his red fangs, Toyah jumpped back twice more at the same time his opponent atacked him one more time, but this last time he hadn’t Lefh the axe droop, he usted the axe in diaggonal, after this last trayed, he stopped and rose his axe again, very pleassent Toyah smilled him and put two of the fingers from one hand, in a L shape, infront of his righ eye, after put one of his legs in front of the second one, he was preparing himself for start to run in direction to his oponnent.

When the officer saw him, he knew that Toyah wanted to do and happy with the idea started to laugh, with an acoute and hoarse voice, he told to Toyah:

-I have an axe,very eassy and with an insolent voice,Toyah answered him:
- And I have these two fingers in this hand.

That answered, was took by the officer like a provocation, killer did show very confidence with the idea of kill him only ussing two fingers and very arrogant too, he had spoken like if him could win with two fingers, very anoyed the officer, started to run in direction to Toyah, Toyah did the same two seconds later, when Toyah was two metters in front of the brawl, Toyah jumpped and his opponent made the same but unlockly he couldn’t jump as tall as Toyah could he had armor and a heavy axe, so Toyah kiked the closest leg to brawl, when he saw Toyah´intention was too late for him, he hadn’t though in the option of jump and kik at the same time, the brawl started to make the same movement very slowly at the same time, but before the blade could pas up his head, Toyah´s foot nocked the brawl´s face and the brawl dropped to the graund with Toyah in front of him.

With the hurt of the nock, the brawl had releassed the axe before fall dawn, Toyah had felt in front of the the bawl and before he could think what had happened, Toyah woke up run fast and finaly took the brawl´s head and broke his neck. At lest the officer had finished to be a problema Toyah calculated how Leigh the brawl could jump and the distance betwen both of them and made every thing with two fingers,now Toyad had free way for take the a tourch and run away, but before do it, he had to take every ebidence of the short battle out before some body else could disover it, for save this problem, Toyah sat the boddy of the officer in nextto the fire, but he knew the brutlars would Discovery, he was died, so smilling, Toyahwrote a note with his fingerin the ground inspirated in the most tippical food he used to coock for them, rabbit: Forget the rabbits, special menu for to night, after to take the torch, Toyah picked up the axe and went to the forest he could kill the workers the next day.

Once into the forest again, Toyah changed his plans and didn´t reserch a place for stay, If he wanted to kill the brawls with out problems, he neded to find the flower as son as possible and use the poisson before brawls eaten, but where?, Where Toyah could find it?, Toyh sat dawn and started to think in itand in the day he went with his master.


Meter after meter Toyah and his master were scaling the rock, his master was only half meter up than him and had chossed that side very carefully, it was the longest and most difficult one in the cave for make a climb,but no every thing was like he wanted, there were a lot of spaces where they could stick the daggers and make eassier the ascent, for prepare the lesson, that time Toyah´s master full up a big rock bag with stones and made Toyah to go up by the wall with the rock bag in his back,they had arrived to the cave only a hour ago and they had been scalling for near to fourty five minuts, Toyah was really toired, but he couldn’t say any thing, no unlesswhere his master could listen him.

His new master wasn’t like any other one, Toyah had had in the academy, his years in the academy were like holidays incomparation to his new trainment, in the academy Toyah didn’t have to do any kind of phisical education.

His trained in the Academy had been divided in two parts: the phisical practice and the study´s time. In the Studie’s time, Toyah and his sister, studied diferent sobjects like: psicology, concealment, anatomy, infiltration, stealth and dress, quimic,botanic and biology betwen others.

His phisical practiceconsisted in to learn the way as to fight with all different kind of weappons, martial arts practice and the prepearment and use of poissons, at difference than his sister, Toyah developed his knowledge in the use of poissons more than in the weapon´s use, poissons and martial arts with out weappons, were his two strongsobjercts. His sister choice the way of the weappons and martial arts too. After to graduate in the academy

As Toyah as his sister never had prepared his body for the phisical exercice before, in the academy, Toyah never had have to wake up early and make steplechases three hours every day, balance and to run and any one of the different phisical exercices, he had to do.

Other difference betwen to train with his master and to train in the Academy, was his master didn’t have any problem in to kill them, the trainement with weappons, was a prof. of that,in the academy Toyah only recived knocks with wood swards, every time he didn’t block an attack, with his master Toyah had have to suffer the pain made by a real sword´scut, in his confrontations with his master he used to movehis sword’s blade into his body at the smae time he stripped another injuries after his master stick it into Their´s body, more than once they had been resurrected,for the first year of training, his master used to have to ask the king´s wizzards, to safe bothof them from deth and when his master didn’t killed them in a fight, he killed them with his punishments, tortured them until their bodyes couldn’t resist the pain and they died. when Toyah studied poissons was the same: His master had tested their knwoledge about different effect’s poissons ussing all of them in Their’s body. In every test his master poissoned him and after gave them different antidots, for different poissons, with them and theirs intelligence they had to adivinat which poisson his master had used with them, like his sister, both of them had to suffer a lot of things, since become killers.

Toyah stooped to think and remembered cave’s location where the flower there was, the cave was in the middle of the small forest, only twenty minuts walking.

When Toyah arrived to the cave’s enter, started to check it, his loock was diferent, the enter was smaller, three big clear grey color stones, made one dor as enter, his heigh was no more than two meters and his weigh, was only half meter.
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Registrado: 20 Oct 2011 18:31

Re: Estoy planteándome publicar una novela y necesito opinió

Mensaje por Toyah »

The flower shone in the Darkness andhis color used to be strong pourpple,when the light got to her petals, although Toyah couldn’t scall with the torch, he started to reserch into the cave, the cave inside was very damp and there were a lot of leaks in the roof, the water couldcome from the drainage of the earth and trees located up of the cave, his master explained him the cave was bough as a hiding place centuries ago, by this reasson there were two lebels: in the first lebel, the people used to coock and leave and in the second level they used to kept theyr loots.

The story explained that the first killer´s Guild in the story, used to use the cave as place for make meetings and in their meetings they invented and prepare their new poissons, so the flower wasn’t a secret for the most of the killers, they started to invent poissons from different forest´s plants and that flower was the most important ingredient of the first poisson used by killers, maybe later the killers wanted to kept his secret with the intention of nobody could prepare an antídote, for his poisson and they censsored the knowledge only for the most conscientious killers.

Anyway that was the operation´s center of his forefathers an a dangerous pleace for go alone, the killers had banned to enter in that place, except in the most extremetly emergency situation, that cave was sacred for his ex guild and Toyah knew it, Toyah knew it as well as he knew the consecuente of do it, nobody would foget him for broke one of the most important rules from his ex guild.

If toyah was right, the flower had to stay in the second floor, but lockly for him the conditions of damp and temperatures, made possible the flower was born in other locations inside.

Finally Toyah found a small group with six of them, they were only ten meters from the enter, once Toyah found them, put the torch in the floor and with his daggers up root the flower out very carrefully, Toyah was particulatly interested in the root.

The killer sentence was a contact poison, this kind of poissons is a kind of poisson body´s skin absorb it and the best part of the day for use it was just when the people is sleeping, is in this time when the skin absorb better the substances, by this reasson, it was the best kind of poisson in Toyah´s opinión. And at the same time, the most powerfull poisson arround the world, with this poisson, was possible to kill an adult, only with 1,4 mg in fifteen minuts.

Unlockly the poisson worked different in every body, in the body of a brawl or in is own body the poisson could could kill both of them only in seven minuts , but if the body was a mussleum´s body, you need the double of time or if the body was strong enough for sorvive to the poisson, like the lizzards´ body you could need to use 15mg and maybe the poison worked after twenty five minuts other thing that could influence, was magic, rasnajhat fammels for exemple were unbulnerable, was necessary a more powerfull poisson, an instantan poisson, the best way to kill them was with a stab

Toyah knelt and afteer to leave the torch and the lance took one of his dagas, as the ground was damp, was enough with stick the weapon closet to the flower, four times arround every flower and moved it, forwad and back, in the begining the flower was on a siant since finally the flower went out, with three flowers Toyah had more than too much, but as it was the las time Toyah could visit the cave he picked up all of them.

Toyah went out of the cave and after went back to trees, for prepare the poisson with the tools he had in his bag, Toyah neded an hour and half for do it, Toyah went in direction to the brawls´s camping for check their activities, unlockly they had discovered the officer´s boddy and they bough ninesentrie´s towers and limitated the camping with all of them, the sentrie´s towers were 20 meters tall and every one of them had a bonfaire with a big metail cercle, the work of the cercle was to reflect the ligh of the fire, but as the metail they used wasn’t the best metail for this work, the reach was only for the ten meters betwen the camping and the forest.

Toyah had to wait untilthe the guar´d change, so for this time Toyah took out his Tools and prepared himself for the esciting show´s time, for prepare the poisson from the flower, he nedded, roof, petal and te most important a liquid located in the plant sap, the only way to take it was cutting the trunk of the plant, his sap wasr uning by the xylem, just in the middle, anoher important part from the contact poissons, was the parts of the rot called: exodermis, part of the plant with absortion propieties parenchyma, if you wanted a poisson with out color.

From his back Toyah took out an alambic and put a small jar inside, after with a stone started to worj the different parts of the plant, in a small dessert plate, finally put the small pieces of ingrediente in water and collocated all of them in the alambic.

A hour and half later the poison was redy, so Toyah kept his things again and went to the stage.

First chequed his inventory, in one side he had four pegs two pieces of branch, a peashoot, a lance, munition for the peashoot and his poisson, and in the another side, he had a chain and two dagas, five of the towers, were locking indirection to the forest, the other four indirection to the sides, the weakest point of the towers, was betwen the towers in the corners, the brawls only cheeked in a righ line, so there was a dead point in the middel, every tower had his ladder and there wasn’t any wall for put a limitto the campamment´s area, so Toyah only had to kill the sentries and enter,indirection to the forest there were five of the nine towers, two of them in the corners and three more in the middle, the rest of the towers wer in the two campament´ssides, as the campament was only for the night the brawls didn’t build any wall or other thing and the tower was colacated next to each other, so had to be a deadlock, betwen the two towers in the corners.

The brawls were dived in groups of five all of them in diferent righ lines, one after the other, every one of them with a small bonefire, all campament lockeed like a big square. The situation was optimus, but How could the brawls sleep so happy, after de dead of their officer?, the enter to the campament was to eassy, only nine sentries and nine more for relief were the protection of the campament, the brawls couldn’t be so stupids. That was like to invite an enemy to enter in your hause.

Toyah started to loock the sentries from the left corner, one of them wasputting more wood in the bonefire, the second one was trying to calculate the time with a moon´s clock, it was the best time for go to the tower in the corner and start to work.

Toyah picked up the lance,the four pegs, the chain and one of the two peces of branch, just after ran until the tower, once in the tower, Toyah left the lance in the ground and put one of his dagas in the mauth grasping it with the teeth and started to go up using the ladder, if the sentries didnt´ see him the first murdered, should be eassy, it was only stab the brawl in his heart and throw the body to the fire, but if the sentiré saw him, Toyah could have a lot of serious problems.

The sentrie was making signals to his partner, they were speaking about trees and to set fire to the forest, Toyah entered in the sentrie’s tower and started to walk until the fire, after located himself venid the fir, took the daga and made alettle of noise with the hopnes of the sentrie turned back. Finaly he did and saw Toyah’s shadow but, when the sentrie wanted to scream, Toyah incorporated and throw his daga in the sentrie’s throat.

As consequence of can’t breathe; the sentrie’s body dropped to the floor at the same time, the sentrie made a weak throat’s noise. Some seconds later, his hand drooped from his body and his eyes started to lock up but, his mouth continued opened with the tong out, crouching Toyah walked to his body and clossed his eyes.

Every time Toyah had kill an innocent, he had felt compasión for him, pried for them and clossed their eyes.

After see brawl´s body Toyah remembered his first job; he was only fourteen years old the night he become into a killer. It was his final graduation’s test,at this time he used to make party with his oldest collegue fast shadow so, they went with his master and the job arrived from Trasdel although, that was their first job, the job was in a small hause out from the kingdom.

They wolked for eight days untill arrive to Kessen’s capital, both of them were excited with the idea of become in their king’s servents, the reasson of the job was to stop the contact betwen Kessen and the rest of human’s kingdoms and to become Kessen in a weak Kingdom making eassier to conquer it, for do it Angels night’s order had been killing their messengers for months.As that was their first job they didn’t have apropiate instruments to kill and students had censsored the use of poissons. Always a student was reddy to graduate, their recive a job as final test, if they passed the test, they were recognissed as killers but if they didn’t they died. At this time, Toyah worked in the dungeons, studied and trained with his master and some times his collegue and sister when they had time.

For have time to prepare the job Toyah and hsi colleguereceive a week of holidays; all that weeek both of them, studied again the criticales body’s parts at the same time they practiced a lot of differenst ways to use a knife and different ways to stab someone.

Finally the day to start the trip arrived and his master mate both of them, in the big wall of the frontierearlier than usually, the first one in arrive to the meeting and with difference of the rest, was fast sadow.

Toyah mate with his partner in the wall’s doorAlthough, they were students, they wore the common killer’s uniform: a black tunic with black head.When Toyah arrived to the meeting place, his partner was sate dawn on a big grey stone and he lockeed boired.

Just after Toyah arrived, arrived his master (They still haven’t finished to say good morning, when his master arrive), difference than other times he wore a black tunic to, this fact made Toyah and his partner took consciente of his first job’s meaning; time ago they had done simulations of similar situations; where they had to enter in diferent places without be discobered and to stab a trunck but, That time the situation was diferent, the tests were of that job was real. They went to take out the life from an alive human girl person, after that nigh they had to live as killers.

Every time Toyah though in that he become more conscientof how ignorant and blind, he was in his younth.

The first deth used to be the most difficult, but that time it was the eassiest one, with the body liking the forest again, Toyah took out the poison and started to spreads the munition with the liquid, in the first murdered Toyah had been very recless, so he didn’t wantto call the brawl’s atention more than that was necessary, in the future he would kill from the distance.

Lowed, went back to hthe fire again, this time with the objective of checked the distance betwen him and the next sentrie, he could see him, he was still eatting and there were aproximatly eight meters, although his peashoter had been made very badly an in an improvised way, Toyoh could kill him, the problem was he hadn’t experienc enought for it, he hadn’t been trained for use peashoot in long distances before, the only weappons for kill from the distance, he could use were axes and daggas. Although he could use the peashoot in short distances he had to be closser from the sentrie; he had to move until the nexr tower and shoot him.

After to see the body of the death brawl Toyah decided to use the same trick he used to do time ago, took the brawl’s armor out and dressed it up, after made the baggage and colocated a small cap in the peashoter.

Dreesed as a soldier, Toyah walked until the next tower and when Toyah arrived on the top of the next tower, he practised his imitation’s voice skills asking the brawl if he wanted desserts, althought the brawl answered in a very unfriently way he poke his face and very sorpissed oponed the mouth time Toyah used it and shoted him into his mouth, this fact made the sentrie eated the poisson.

After to kill the second sentiré arrived the time to the sentir of the last tower in that side, for kill him, Toyah used his dagas, throwing one of them like if it was a ball.

With the enter cleanned, Toyah started to check the relief, there was: a second watchfulness line, betwen the towers and the soldier’s bonfires, made by 5 brawls with torches and swards. Before to think in a way to kill them, Toyah started to study their actitudes: the sentries lockeed feel very confident and unworried, all of them were wolking from the left to the right and went back again to the starting point, any one was worry about his partner (they only were interested in to be sure nobody came from the forest) and all of them walked with the same speed,probably by the security giben by the fact of to have sentries tower so close.

To go inside undetected had assumed to kill some sentries and that, could take of the sensation of security the sentries were enjoying, lockly, Toyah had disimulated their deths leaving the bodies in diferent positions and he had only kill the quantity of sentries he neded. That was that gave him the oportunity to clean the enter but, his same strategy, was now a problem. The location of the second line, was a prof of the brawls weren t as stupid as he though. After check the distance betwen the sentries and the towers, Toyah understood the trick: the sentries weren’t walking so confident they only were waiting for him and had left a space in the middle where they could discovered him. Maybe in the ground there were hunting traps, perhaps stocks, Always there were two of them which mate at the same time.

After Toyah checked the tour of the sentries, the distance betwen the end of their tour were more or les two meters and he calculated more or les a quantity of two or maybe four traps betwen them, as Toyah was doing at night and the only light he had was the the light made by the torchs located in the end of every tour, Toyah couldn’t calculate very well the distance betwen trap and trap and the quantity of them but more or les could imagine their location.

Although Toyah could try to go inside of the camping and try to overcome the traps, like the brawls, he felt need of haunting, so went to take his lance, with his chain made a small snap and after put the snap in the neck of the sentiré,when he had every thing he nede, Tooyah throw the body. Finally started to make signals of ligh, using the bone fire of the tower. Lockly for Toyah, at the same time, two sentries were sawing each other in the end of their tour, but only one pared atention to the Light and went to check.

The another one continued with his work. Since the tower, Toyah lockeed the route the sentry was using and the way he was avoiding the traps: he was walking by a small corridor, located in the extrem of the camping, the only area free of traps. When Toyah saw it, Toyah locked the death sentrié and started to think : hook, after cheked the rout of the another sentrie and said: fishing line and (at the same time he locked his lance), he said and coock. Once he saw as his plans were compliting together, he checked again the location of the new food and prepared himself to shoot the lance.

Just when the brawl stopped and saw his partner, with the chain in his neck, Toyah made his lance went through the mud brain of the sentrie. Making the sentrie die at the same time.

The rest of the sentries were eassier, Toyah waited them from different locations and kill them with the rest of weappons. He didn’t need to call their atention: the partner of the last murdered sentrie, traed to find his partner and that he found was a peg in his body, another one was knocked out with the piece of branch and the last one was poisoned when he discovered Toyah at the same time he was killing the last but one sentrie.

After their deths, finally Toyah could put his atention in his objectives: The part of Valkirie Allen sent to the forest. Once Toyah was sure of control the area and the sentries from the rest of Towers didn’t sospected anything, he went in direction to the groups of brawls which wouldn’t wake up again. All of them, were divided in four groups of fefteen and covered with grey blankets.

In general to kill these soldiers used to be very eassy, Toyah only had to stab them at the same time he put the hand in their mauths and don’t make any noise. Toyah didn’t want to use sentence because it was very value for waste it in brawls.

Toyah stayed kneecking in front of the first one, the brawls were a very dirty and noissy race, even so they were sleeping they were making noise. This time with their mouths. His first victym Lockheed an officer maybe a coronel. So Toyah used a specific tecnic for him: The rat’s stap. This tecnick consist in to stab two weappons at the same time in the victym’s chest. So Toyah put on his mouth with a stone and just after killed him. The rest of brawls died in a diferent way.

Although Toyah hated the wet places, he was wishing go to sleep as soon as posible. When Toyah finished to put off one of the two last problems before to be a free young man, he went back to the cave again. It was to late for improvise a shelter and he still had to thing a safe way to cross the frontier. The camping wasn’t a safe place and The forest was under killers juristiction. Except in situations like this but and the sentries of the towers Toyah had left them alive would become cautios, after discover Toyah’s work.

Once Toyah arrived to the cave, he waited before to enter, The cave wasn’t only a sanctuary for him, for centuries that cave was: a store of all secrets of the Angels of the night and the Kingdom and a warehouse of knowledge, but not only poissons, as guardians of the kindom the Angels of the Night had been before, Allen becomes the new king. They keept the most historical documents of the kingdom in the cave for years: the thing once was the code of ethics, “a compilation with the rules, every person who wanted to enter in the order had to accept before become in a killer” and a copy of the Kingdom’s laws, were the first historical documents keeped in the cave (and the first things Allen made dessapear), the profs of the kingdom’s happy years, the certificate that recognissed the fredom and independence of the Kingdom, the documents wrote by the first killers, the documents with their commitments and other historical documents, were other lost knowledges of the cave.

The only valuables, Allen had respected were: weappons, prescriptions for poissons and a workhause for work. That were the only things Allen kept. He could investigate it better than the two other times he had been before once he was inside. But

Toyah hated Allen for all of that, like he hated: all people who didn’t respect the past of his Kingdom and all people wanted to trust the lays from the king and his followers. They were the people Toyah didn’t have any problem with to kill them.

Was a fact, that peopple Toyah hated so much, were only a tenth part of the kingdoom’s population, like the fact of all human peopple there were confinated in the same city but, Toyah couldn’t stop to hate his own race. Allen had got the power of the Kingdom from his own human people and Allen gave back to them deth and sufferment.

Once in the power Allen, used human in terrible experiments until Transform. Them in creatures like brawls, created his brutlars from the shadows, using his own power and finaly, let them races to take the control of the Kingdom, and made the human live in shanties. Finally Allen had used his news armies to kill the same race from Allen had got the control of the Kingdom. Until decres the human population until the population of one city.

When Toyah finished to think about the cave, he started to go inside, trying to don’t die in the proces. As the cave was so important, the same cave had a strong mechanism of defense: there were some traps inside, but alot of ways to turn on them, the first trap was just in the enter, this one consisted in a corridor people had to make it walking in a right line, just in the midle of the enter, this corridor started just in the enter of the cave and it had a lenght of thre metters.

The traps were very diferent, but all of them had a very eassy work clook: in the first one, If some one put a foot out of the corridor, he dropped in a peg’s pit with a deep of ten metes and pegs with a high of two meters and a diameter of ten centimeters, the second trap was, just in the end of the corridor, if you follow right more than three metters , a wrong stept turned on a mechanism and it oppened a trap door imposible to open once you were inside.

No all traps were mechanism people turned on with foots, there were other like: steam’s traps located in the next area of the cave or traps turn on by noise, like the trap located in the learning center. All of them designed centuries ago, with the intention of no body could to steal the guild’s secrets.

Like other times Toyah had enter in the cave, Toyah punched the arm with the torch and started to light up inside, for be sure he followed the corridor with out drop in any peg’s pit, Toyah put a hand and the legs in the ground and started to go inside, the pegs were full of bodies and there were a lot of armors located in both sides, probably from some of Allen’s soldiers, he sent to take some of the secrets out of the cave, at the same time Toyah went inside, small raindrops dropped as consequence of the water’s drain and made a very annoying noise, The cave was swet and with water in the enter, conditions which made Toyah become angry, as Toyah was using his another hand for bring the torch, he had problems and his advance was very slowly.

Finally Toyah arrived to the learning center, in the second floor, the room was spherical and there were torches in the wall join some more deth bodies inside. The room hadn’t a diameter bigger than nine metters and like the rest of the cave, his walls were of: sand, clay and rocks, with alot of roots.

Just in the enter there was a dungeon’s dor with a rope tining of the door, that was a signal of there was another trap in the enter and it one was located just before enter in the room.

Toyah started to examinate the ground and checked it looking for false floors, but there weren’t after, he checked the walls and they were clean to, so the only wais to turn the trap on were: noise or something located in somewhere into the room, just that was, that Toyah was worried about, all objects inside were bait and they were camouflaging a flagstone in the ground, in the clear brown graund’s color was impossible to find something, Toyah knew it, like he knew the room’s walls were extremetlly sensebal to the noyse made by a fast torch’s movement, The ways to turn the trap on must be eassy to see, but all of them?.

To cut the rope was impossible it was very tall, so if there was another way to turn the trap on, it only could be in the door and it, had to be a thin thread, very dificult to se almost invisible in the leg’s height. As to see it was almost impossible, Toyah rest the torch against the door and went back two stepts.

After half minut to calculate the distance, with out stop Toyah walked a step in right line; direction to the door and at the same time he wolked turned his body to the righ side, after extended his arms up and doubled the body to his left said, after he put the hands in the graund and extended his legs finally, Toyah hade made a nice cartwheel, but with it Toyah only arrived until the room’s door, when Toyah finished with the cartwheel, without stop, turned again his body in direction to the wall and finished his acrobacies entering in the learning center with a flick flack.

When Toyah lockeed like if he was dancing when he finished, he hadn’t lossed some of his skills andi t masde him smile.

Toyah wolked in direction to the door, at the same time Toyah took the torch; he could se the thread, it was almost invisible.

After to se the thread Toyah followed his direction with his eyes and discovered the second trap, the thread didn’t closet the door, the thread went until the wall and after disappeareted inside, in the wall of the oposite side to the room, there were thre small crossbow, these crossbow were the real trap, all of them were pointing in direction to the door.

Inside Toyah turned on only two of the all torches, that room was very small and the walls incressed the noise’s volum, eco, was the best example, if some one said some thing in high entonation, the voice arrived to the walls and the same walls made it go back increassing his strenth and every animal inside could listened it. The noise didn’t only become strong enough to burst a person’s erandrum.

Once the noise started, the same noise called the atention of deth’s shadows “shadows soldiers that killer all intruders, they only could be injured and the only think make they feel fraigh was sun’s Light”. The trick consisted in to turn on only the quantity of torches you really neded and don’t make any noise. So Toyah turned on, only the light from thre of the fefteen torches: The torch from the left side of the enter door, the torch infront of a broke desk built – in the wall and located in the middle right wall of the room and the torch of the left side of the shadow soldiers, located in the oposit side of the enter door, finished the problem of the light and traps, Toyah checked the room again.

The learning center, wasn’t like his sleeping room, that room was absolutly organissated. A right line betwen the enter door and the door of the soldiers, divided the room in two sides: The left side and the righ side.

Two of the feeften torches, were located in the extrems of the enter dor and two more in the another one, located in the oposite side.

Just after where the left courner finished and betwen two more torches, there were eigh big sacks with food, in their right line, there were two more torhes with the flat once had represented his guild: a balance with a daga in the right side and a heart in the left side, with a crown in the top middle of the flat: the daga meant the power to take a life out, the heart meant the compassion and respect to your enemies, obviously the balance meant the killer had to lear as to balance both and finally the crown: the crown remembered the killers of the guild, they had sworn to protect the king and the kingdom.

That flat worked as trap, it was conected to a balance that at the same time worked as a weigh sensor, if some one made the mistake of try to take it out, the weight of tehe two extrems of the balance stopped to be equal and that turned the mechanism of the trap on, finally the door of the learning center closed making a lot of noise and the soldiers knew someone had tried to steal some thing.

Finally, In the wall, in the left corner of the oposite side, there were some marks, betwen two more torches to, following the circle to the right there was the last torch, Toyah had turned on and the door.

In the righ side of the floor, Toyah count the torch nomber ten and an object designed with the idea to turn the torchs of, there were two more torchs in the courner, the torch with the ligh on, with a broke desk with some objects to prepare poissons and a very old library with old books, with another torch, and folloing the wall until, Toyah’s location, there was the last torch with a bed of hay and pay a lettle separated of the courner.

When Toyah finished to count the torches and check the room, understood the propose of to have a big quantity of torches and the location of them in the room: every important object had to be located betwen two torches, beeing that, the only way to kept the quantity of torches that you neded on and can to use the specific object, just when you neded to do it but, at the same time the torches, showed the ritual every one of the killers had to follow once they were in the learning center: First to go in front of the flat and to swear your compromise with the king and the country with the daga in your hand, after go to the runes in the wall and to make the traditional sample of respect: put your foot together, close your punch and put in your heart without the daga in your hand.

The learning center didn’t only had noise traps, join the light of the torchs, the noise and the light, were a big trap, because if some one turned on one more torch that he neded, the noise from the torchs was strong enough to turn on the eco yes but, a to much iluminated room called to much the attention and that meaned once the torches were turned on, could be possible the shadows soldiers to see them.

Loockly, as the room had a circle’s form, was possible to make ligh enough turning enough only three torchs and trying to don’t make more light than the light was neded, so, Toyah left his torch in the enter and went back to the flat.

Once in the flat, Toyah felt by first time in his life there was some thing he couldn’t understand it 100% and he felt as there was some thing out of h○is range.

After to finish, he went to the marks of the courner and showed his respect and compromise as the tradition said. Once he finished studied them more carefully, these marks were runes, runes from the first Kingdom’s language and were wroten centuries ago, maybe milleniums, from the hand written of his ancesters and, they were a pece of the first Kingdom’s alphabet.

Toyah got different feling from the runes, he felt very happy seing that, that was signal of the king’s soliders couldn’t destroy what ever they wanted and it opened a small light of hope in his heart. Small light wich soon would turned of. Although who knew the secrets from another person, had power up that Toyah couldn’t do anything.

At the same time he felt worried about it, these runs had been wroten as a warning dedicated to the intruders.

Acording with the message, his ex guild had bough the cave millenniums ago and the same message explained the reassons of her construction, The cave had been bought with two intentions: First to give the guild an independent and secret operation center, obviusly the secret, included the king and the second objective was to have a place where to keept in secret, the most importand documents of the Kingdom, the discoverments and tools.

But, the message said more than that, after the construction was released, the managers, head directors and fundators of the guild had become in shadows using a secret magic with the intention to protect it forever. Once Toyah finished with the custom turned backand loocked the door, his staytment hadn’t past inadvertment, jus infront of the door there was five dar grey shadows: the soldier of the extreme right, had a mace, his partner from his left had two axes, the next two swords and the other two, two daggers.
As signal of respect, Toyah kneecking infront of them for some seconds, after stood up. The shadow in the middle gave the welcome back and after that, the five shadows dessapearated, They didn’t see Toyah as intruder, he had done as a member of the guild and they saw him as one of them.

After to see as the danger dessapeared,Toyah turned on nine more torches and went to the broke desk. He neded to think. Think about that he had done, to think about that he was doing and to think about how did he spect to sourvive. After to breath, Toyah put his hands in front of his eyes and started to think.

He wasn’t worry about the king’s attempts to kill him, he knews all her tactics, he was who took the ventatge up them; the problem was the frontier. Toyah only had information of the routes until the frontier and maps of Kessen but, he didn’t have any information about the frontier, except the frontier’s recognition sistem ( colled: five crow’s eye) and the location of the towers and the way as they had contact but, he didn’t know the quantity of soldiers Allen had in the area. Some seconds later, Toyah fol sleept:

Very boiring Toyah had been waiting for his meting with his dear friend and his master, they had been training and preparing their self for the moment of their graduation for the last six years. The meting was just with the first light of the day and the sun almost had appeared. As was usual every student, had to be tested before to be recognized as a killer and that day the two young students were: Toyah and his only friend, so Toyah decided to way for them sit dawn in one big rock, they had had one week of holidays for study and prepare the test and both of them had done an excellent work. Both had been training with weapons and studing the different poisons they had learned. Soon Shadow and his master would make their apparition, in the academy they had listened some rumours about the final test, it usually to be always out of the kingdom, for the last years it usually to be in Kessen, , some times in the palace of the king of Kessen, but nowbody knews the continent of the test. They only knew that all students who hadn’t past the test used to die. Toyah didn’t bring any thing because his master had to give them every thing they were going to use.

As Toyah hadn’t patient, he started to walk around the rock and every five seconds he checheck the sun. Some minuts later Toyah lossed his patient and decided to go back home, but just when started to left the place listened a very low noise, Toyah recognized the noise from big shoes and stopped to walk. When Toyah turned back saw his master with his friend, Very angry Toyah asked them:

-Can you both stay in a place on time?! I have been waiting for you a long time…, annoyed by Toyah’s reaction, his master answered back:

-Can you stay in the right place?!, We have been waiting for you a long time. Is your fail if you have been waiting so long.

When he finished left drop dawn a scout’s bag and finished the conversation saying:

-Pick up your bag!, we have lossed a lot of time thanks to your bad memory and your victym won’t waiting until we arrived!. You are locky we had to wolk this way.


After a big yawn and with a hard work Toyah opened his right eye, and the first thing Toyah saw was the rock and reefs in the wall of the cave.

As was early morning, Toyah decided try to find something about the frontier, but every think he found was old and there wasn’t any thing useful, without more options that his maps, Toyah took his maps out from his bag and started to study the draws of the ways in direction of frontier and the draws with the frontier, trying to imagine as the king has located the soldiers, the location of the wall and finally the most important the location of the eye at the same time he took one of the last good breakfast he could to eat for years: an apple.

The maps of the forest, showed 5 ways, all of them started in a stone monument, just in the middle, the frontier was more or less one day wolking, and there wasn’t a lot of places where Toyah could find a hiding place.
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Re: Estoy planteandome publicar una novela y necesito opinio

Mensaje por Isma »

hola Toyah,
verás, no sé mucho de temas de publicación, pero creo que deberías darle un repaso profundo al texto en cuanto al idioma. Tiene bastantes fallos gramaticales y de tiempos verbales, que lo hace complicado de seguir. A veces pasa que, cuando se escribe un texto y se repasa inmediatamente después, no se detectan los fallos porque como autor sigues inmerso en la historia. No sé si es tu caso, yo suelo dejar que el texto "macere" un tiempo prudencial para volver a leerlo con otros ojos y detectar errores. Hay quien lo lee en voz alta.. en fin, es una sugerencia.

Mi opinión es que, lo publiques o no, sigas escribiéndolo si te gusta y te ilusiona. Pero no te olvides de darle un repaso.
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Re: Estoy planteándome publicar una novela y necesito opinió

Mensaje por Megan »

Tienes que leerlo en voz alta en un lugar donde impere el silencio, así reconocerás los errores gramaticales.
Sería bueno también, que pusieras el nombre de la novela en el título, y no plantear la situación en que te encuentras, eso puedes hacerlo dentro del tema.

Saludos. :D

🌷🌷🌷Give Peace a Chance, John Lennon🌷🌷🌷

Lee, escribe y comenta en Los Foreros Escriben
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Registrado: 20 Oct 2011 18:31

Re: Estoy planteandome publicar una novela y necesito opinio

Mensaje por Toyah »

os agradezco los consejos, pero las sugerencias que os pido no son de eso, si no son sobre la novela en si, la historia aun no tiene titulo y para mi seria de mucha ayuda, si me enseñarais sobre que te puedes encontrar en el mundo de las sombras y como hacer la novela mas interesante.

Tambien si me dijerais como encajar los caracteres en dicho mundo, como hacer, que no todos los personajes sean buenos o malos,como crear/presentar dicho mundo, como hacer un buen desarrollo de personajes, como crear una historia profunda, como introducir sentimientos, como hacer una buena narrativa....

esque para lo demas ya tengo profesores
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Re: La hisroria deToyah

Mensaje por lucia »

Yo leo en inglés habitualmente, pero no he podido pasar de la segunda línea por la cantidad de errores gramaticales. Es dificilísimo seguir, imagínate a Yoda escribiendo una historia con su forma de hablar, pues eso mas o menos es lo que estás haciendo con el inglés.
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Si cedes una libertad por egoísmo, acabarás perdiéndolas todas.

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Registrado: 20 Oct 2011 18:31

Re: La historia de Toyah

Mensaje por Toyah »

Ten presene que los ingleses hablan como yoda, encaso de hacer una traduccion leal,,lo se por experiencia(fijate en los titulos, de los libros)de todas todas lo mientras creo que borrare el hilo,
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Re: La historia de Toyah

Mensaje por lucia »

¿Cómo que los ingleses hablan como Yoda de hacer una interpretación leal? Porque traducciones literales en vez de traducciones reales son dos cosas distintas. Lo primero es lo que hacen los traductores automáticos y lo segundo tiene en cuenta las reglas gramaticales de los dos lenguajes, además del significado de las palabras.
Nuestra editorial:

Si cedes una libertad por egoísmo, acabarás perdiéndolas todas.

Imagen Mis diseños
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Registrado: 20 Oct 2011 18:31

Re: La historia de Toyah

Mensaje por Toyah »

leales no significa necesariamente literales en toda la extension, creme he colaborado como traductor, para otro foro,

Pero por favor como ya pedi en otro post dejeemos dejamos el tema del idioma, que como pedi no me interesa hablar del idioma, si no de cosas mas tecnicas y referentes a la creacion de novela,

Re: La historia de Toyah

Mensaje por Panfilini »

Toyah escribió:leales no significa necesariamente literales en toda la extension, creme he colaborado como traductor, para otro foro,

Pero por favor como ya pedi en otro post dejeemos dejamos el tema del idioma, que como pedi no me interesa hablar del idioma, si no de cosas mas tecnicas y referentes a la creacion de novela,
Pero es difícil que nadie te pueda dar una opinión si no ha leído primero el texto, y según está es ilegible. Aparte de los tiempos verbales, los signos de puntuación son un desastre, y parecen estar puestos al azar. Casi me da un patatús al ver puntos y puntos y comas en los lugares más insospechados.

Un saludo y suerte.
No puedo vivir sin este foro
Mensajes: 641
Registrado: 21 Ene 2010 02:52
Ubicación: Marcos Paz, Buenos Aires

Re: La historia de Toyah

Mensaje por Gregsamsa »

Buenas noches para mí.
Estoy de acuerdo con casi todos los comentaristas.
Te dejo algunas palabras de Abelardo Castillo de su libro "Ser escritor":

Para saber cómo se escribe una novela habría que saber, antes, qué es la novela, y ese estupendo arquetipo nunca existió. (...) La novela es una forma literaria que se funda a sí misma cada vez que aparece un gran novelista (...) El protagonista de una novela puede ser una cucaracha (Kafka), una pura conciencia sin cuerpo (Stapledon) o una parva de muertos (Rulfo).

En su libro Ser escritor, Abelardo Castillo, uno de nuestros más grandes narradores, cuenta una aleccionadora
anécdota. Había escrito su opera prima a los diecisiete
años, y se la llevó a Bosio Arnaes, un sabio profesor retirado, para pedirle opinión. El joven Abelardo leyó la primera
línea de la historia…
“Por el sendero venía avanzando el viejecillo… ”
…y Arnaes no lo dejó seguir; mirándolo con ojos de
lechuzón, le disparó esta sarta de interrogantes:
¿Por qué “sendero” y no “camino”? , ¿ por qué
“avanzando” y no “caminando”?; en el caso de que dejáramos la palabra “ sendero ” , ¿ po r qué “el” viejecillo y no “un” viejecillo?, ya que aún no conocíamos al personaje; ¿ por qué “viejecillo” y no “vieje-1 5
cito”, “viejito”, “anciano” o simplemente “viejo”? Y
sobre todo: ¿ Por qué no había escrito sencillamente
que el viejecillo venía avanzando por el sendero, que
es el orden lógico de la frase?
Cuando Abelardo, con confesada altanería, le contestó
“Bueno, señor, porque ése es mi estilo”, el maestro respondió:
Antes de tener estilo, hay que aprender a escribir.
esto último extraído de ... rregir.pdf
espero que te sirva.
¡Buen provecho!
Lector voraz
Mensajes: 193
Registrado: 20 Oct 2011 18:31

Re: La historia de Toyah

Mensaje por Toyah »


La putuacion en ingles funciona diferente al español, en un ejercico que hice en clase me sorprendi, de cosas como los parentesis entre otra

lo de los putos y comas, no estan para nada al azar, puede ser que al ir cambiando el texto al paso del tiempo, hayan quedado de diferentes maneras

Gregsama, gracias por el consejo, ahora te agradeceria que entienderas, que no nunca realice los estudios que realizan: escritores, periodistas y semejantes.
Asi que como podras entender, lo que quizas para ti es saber escrivir, no puedo estar a ciertas alturas

gracias por tu comprension
No puedo vivir sin este foro
Mensajes: 641
Registrado: 21 Ene 2010 02:52
Ubicación: Marcos Paz, Buenos Aires

Re: La historia de Toyah

Mensaje por Gregsamsa »

Toyah escribió:Panfilini:

La putuacion en ingles funciona diferente al español, en un ejercico que hice en clase me sorprendi, de cosas como los parentesis entre otra

lo de los putos y comas, no estan para nada al azar, puede ser que al ir cambiando el texto al paso del tiempo, hayan quedado de diferentes maneras

Gregsama, gracias por el consejo, ahora te agradeceria que entienderas, que no nunca realice los estudios que realizan: escritores, periodistas y semejantes.
Asi que como podras entender, lo que quizas para ti es saber escrivir, no puedo estar a ciertas alturas

gracias por tu comprension
Nadie pide alturas, te lo dice un petiso. A Cortázar le escuché una vez decir que se puede escribir sobre cualquier tema, solo importa el cómo. Creo que una de las mejores maneras de aprender a escribir es leer mucho, creo que lo demás es práctica, mucha práctica. Un saludo desde mi Buenos Aires que esta noche nos regala un bello paisaje.
Lector voraz
Mensajes: 193
Registrado: 20 Oct 2011 18:31

Re: La historia de Toyah

Mensaje por Toyah »

aaaaaaaa, ok gracias por los consejos